The Headache Paradox: It is scientifically impossible to have a headache, seeing that there are no pain receptors in the brain. Yet we continue to search for answers to what causes a headache, because we all know that headaches do exist.
Between a combination of the fact that
our brains are roughly nothing more than a highly advanced mass of
nerves, and that every function is controlled by signals that our brain
sends through our nerves to the rest of our bodies, I think that if we
could somehow make our nerves send stronger, more efficient signals at a
quicker speed it would have a lot of different results. Including
heightened sense (both physical and psychic) moving quicker both running
and walking along with arm movement etc. The brain being just nerves
would obviously also be effected, resulting in quicker more efficient
thinking, which naturally would make us smarter, more observant, and
have much sharper reflexes.
Some say that is an overly simplified form of how the brain functions, which it is. To them I say make the axons 20% wider, resulting in signals being sent much more quickly through the brain. Allowing neurons to create more connections without loss of speed, and the 10,000+ miles of blood vessels in the brain doubling as an additional cooling system in the brain. I could write a book on the cascade of effects that alone causes for people when they are changed in to a real vampire, however for now I will leave it in this simplified form.
Since this may also result in pain receptors working harder, we would be more sensitive to types of heat and other forms of pain. Explaining sensitivity to sun and loud noises. The body naturally creating endorphins to counteract pain would naturally adapt and produce either stronger endorphins or endorphins at a higher rate. This would result in a higher control over pain in the long run.
While that would be the results of a nervous system that has become more efficient, it probably sounds like pure fiction of it happening. However if you look at what happens to ones body when they are about to fight, with the sudden increased strength, it makes it seem more possible. As for regenerating as well, as cuts and bones healing in seconds, you’re on your own. Then again I can’t think of a vampire movie where one re-grew an arm or any other body part.
Normally our autonomic nervous system is in a constant balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic. The former basically says, prepare for a fight, the latter says, take it easy and relax. Personally after my change I've been consciously aware of that going on and am wondering if this is the case for other real vampires.
When we are about to fight, the sympathetic takes over and norepinephrine (adrenaline) pours into the blood, causing the circulatory system to be affected. Blood gets transferred from the skin and viscera to the brain and muscles, causing paleness and muscles to become strong. The extra blood going to the brain causes us to think quicker. The increased production of red blood corpuscles, allows for quicker coagulation, as well as quicker and deeper breathing. The blood also leaves the different digestive organs while being rushed to the brain and muscles. This results in cessation of digestion. With the power of the internet this is easily looked into and confirmed.
If we, as real vampires, were in a constant state of that, seeing that a good portion of our body would feel the lack of blood it does make sense that we would feel the constant need to get blood from an outside source to feel reasonably normal. Plus with that lack on a philosophical jump of logic we could say that any blood that we ingested would be immediately drawn into our body, much like a dehydrated person’s body quickly puts any water they drink to use.
Ingesting blood, absorbing blood when a vampire drinks it. Every thing you eat touches a lot of places in your body before it reaches your stomach. It hits your mouth, tongue, and virtually every muscle in your esophagus not to mention depending on if you've eaten recently enough or eaten to much food it will wait in your esophagus for a short amount of time. There are a lot of chances for blood to be absorbed long before it even knew your stomach existed. Making stomach acid completely irrelevant, as for recognizing blood I'm pretty sure the body knows what blood is.
If you think a vampire or even you can drink blood without that blood or part of it being absorbed in to the body before it reaches the acid in their stomach. Then do the simple experiment of drinking about an ounce of blood from a person that has AIDS, and then go get tested for HIV three months later. If you do that experiment, you will test positive for HIV. It is a retrovirus as well as being a part of an infected persons blood. So that little experiment will double as a way to show how easily ingesting blood that contains vHERV works when being changed in to a vampire. As well as the fact that anybody can absorb ingested blood without it ever reaching the stomach.
That is the most logical explanation I can come up with for the idea of vampires being smarter, quicker, stronger, slightly faster healing, paler, and more psychically aware. The following endogenous retrovirus belief is the most logical I have heard as to why us real vampires exist. Though it is highly controversial, the people who call it fiction have much more far fetched explanations on what causes real vampirism, which is why I accept this explanation and not theirs.
Some say that is an overly simplified form of how the brain functions, which it is. To them I say make the axons 20% wider, resulting in signals being sent much more quickly through the brain. Allowing neurons to create more connections without loss of speed, and the 10,000+ miles of blood vessels in the brain doubling as an additional cooling system in the brain. I could write a book on the cascade of effects that alone causes for people when they are changed in to a real vampire, however for now I will leave it in this simplified form.
Since this may also result in pain receptors working harder, we would be more sensitive to types of heat and other forms of pain. Explaining sensitivity to sun and loud noises. The body naturally creating endorphins to counteract pain would naturally adapt and produce either stronger endorphins or endorphins at a higher rate. This would result in a higher control over pain in the long run.
While that would be the results of a nervous system that has become more efficient, it probably sounds like pure fiction of it happening. However if you look at what happens to ones body when they are about to fight, with the sudden increased strength, it makes it seem more possible. As for regenerating as well, as cuts and bones healing in seconds, you’re on your own. Then again I can’t think of a vampire movie where one re-grew an arm or any other body part.
Normally our autonomic nervous system is in a constant balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic. The former basically says, prepare for a fight, the latter says, take it easy and relax. Personally after my change I've been consciously aware of that going on and am wondering if this is the case for other real vampires.
When we are about to fight, the sympathetic takes over and norepinephrine (adrenaline) pours into the blood, causing the circulatory system to be affected. Blood gets transferred from the skin and viscera to the brain and muscles, causing paleness and muscles to become strong. The extra blood going to the brain causes us to think quicker. The increased production of red blood corpuscles, allows for quicker coagulation, as well as quicker and deeper breathing. The blood also leaves the different digestive organs while being rushed to the brain and muscles. This results in cessation of digestion. With the power of the internet this is easily looked into and confirmed.
If we, as real vampires, were in a constant state of that, seeing that a good portion of our body would feel the lack of blood it does make sense that we would feel the constant need to get blood from an outside source to feel reasonably normal. Plus with that lack on a philosophical jump of logic we could say that any blood that we ingested would be immediately drawn into our body, much like a dehydrated person’s body quickly puts any water they drink to use.
Ingesting blood, absorbing blood when a vampire drinks it. Every thing you eat touches a lot of places in your body before it reaches your stomach. It hits your mouth, tongue, and virtually every muscle in your esophagus not to mention depending on if you've eaten recently enough or eaten to much food it will wait in your esophagus for a short amount of time. There are a lot of chances for blood to be absorbed long before it even knew your stomach existed. Making stomach acid completely irrelevant, as for recognizing blood I'm pretty sure the body knows what blood is.
If you think a vampire or even you can drink blood without that blood or part of it being absorbed in to the body before it reaches the acid in their stomach. Then do the simple experiment of drinking about an ounce of blood from a person that has AIDS, and then go get tested for HIV three months later. If you do that experiment, you will test positive for HIV. It is a retrovirus as well as being a part of an infected persons blood. So that little experiment will double as a way to show how easily ingesting blood that contains vHERV works when being changed in to a vampire. As well as the fact that anybody can absorb ingested blood without it ever reaching the stomach.
That is the most logical explanation I can come up with for the idea of vampires being smarter, quicker, stronger, slightly faster healing, paler, and more psychically aware. The following endogenous retrovirus belief is the most logical I have heard as to why us real vampires exist. Though it is highly controversial, the people who call it fiction have much more far fetched explanations on what causes real vampirism, which is why I accept this explanation and not theirs.
Yale University ''Endogenous retroviruses contribute to the evolution of the host genome and can be associated with disease.'' The belief that being a vampire was caused by a disease dates back at least as far as the black plague. Making this far from being a new belief, and the black plague happened long before movies were even thought of. Meaning this is definitely not due to the latest vampire movie, or any vampire or non-vampire movie for that matter. The claim that it is just an energy deficiency problem, dates back no farther than the movie ''Lifeforce'' which was created in 1985. ''endogenous retroviruses are a sub-category of oncoviruses that include the lentiviruses. endogenous retroviruses are negative single-stranded RNA viruses in which tRNA serves as a primer for the mRNA synthesis. The mRNA is then reverse transcribed into DNA, which is then integrated into the chromosome at a multiplicity of sites, particularly those that are transcriptionally active.''
The main reason behind why real vampirism isn't as widely believed as one would think, is due to a failure of the general public's' understanding of the endogenous retrovirus which for this website will be referred to as vHERV. A majority of the general public doesn’t believe, and do not want to believe, that human DNA can be altered in such a way to create such a being.
The term "Real Vampire" for purpose of this site is going to be used as a medical term and therefore must be separated from the "Vampire" myths, such as Dracula. A Viral Vampire is an infected human. Though the DNA in the host human has been greatly altered, the organism remains human in the medical sense, as the number of chromosomes have not been changed. The entire human race has the same number of chromosomes. The number of chromosomes is what separates humans and animals (except for those born with Down's Syndrome - these people have an extra copy of chromosome 21 but are, of course, human). It must be kept in mind that DNA can be altered in many ways. Many endogenous retroviruses can alter their DNA to become stronger and survive even more intolerable conditions. This is what happens with the human DNA with the vHERV endogenous retrovirus.
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Technically still human
Technically the Real Vampire is
still a human. However, for sake of discussion let us think of vampires
as non-human or as the next step in human evolution. This is difficult
to believe because many of the attributes of a Real Vampire are
considered far more developed than those of a human. Strength, speed,
enhanced mental and/or psychic abilities, the ability to digest human
and animal blood more efficiently are but a few of the differences. The
reason this happens is the basic human DNA is altered by the endogenous
retrovirus. The endogenous retrovirus, which we call vHERV, is NOT the
same virus as HIV. To simplify, it is transmitted through a simple
exchange of blood which can later be passed on either through birth or
the more traditional way of an exchange of blood.
Through birth, the child inherits the retrovirus, passed on from the mother or father. The parent may have become infected with the endogenous retrovirus from some other member of their family such as a cousin, aunt, brother, etc., and thus the retrovirus is passed onto the newborn. Rarely are both parents infected, i.e., real vampires themselves. The passing of the endogenous retrovirus to the child from the parent produces a biological vampire child. The vHERV is passed onto the newborn much the same way the other seven endogenus retroviruses that separate humans from chimpanzees are passed from mother to child. Every normal human being all ready has ten endogenous retroviruses seven of which are shared with chimpanzees. The other three are only found in humans.
According to Yale university as well as other well respected universities these are the differences that make humans more evolved than the chimpanzee. In such a child, the endogenous retrovirus remains dormant until the catalyst of the onset of puberty. The release of hormones is believed to activate the endogenus retrovirus system. Meaning it really is not a stretch to say that introducing one or more new endogenous retroviruses to a human will cause them to become a vampire, in effect giving the vampire some definite new advantages.
Through birth, the child inherits the retrovirus, passed on from the mother or father. The parent may have become infected with the endogenous retrovirus from some other member of their family such as a cousin, aunt, brother, etc., and thus the retrovirus is passed onto the newborn. Rarely are both parents infected, i.e., real vampires themselves. The passing of the endogenous retrovirus to the child from the parent produces a biological vampire child. The vHERV is passed onto the newborn much the same way the other seven endogenus retroviruses that separate humans from chimpanzees are passed from mother to child. Every normal human being all ready has ten endogenous retroviruses seven of which are shared with chimpanzees. The other three are only found in humans.
According to Yale university as well as other well respected universities these are the differences that make humans more evolved than the chimpanzee. In such a child, the endogenous retrovirus remains dormant until the catalyst of the onset of puberty. The release of hormones is believed to activate the endogenus retrovirus system. Meaning it really is not a stretch to say that introducing one or more new endogenous retroviruses to a human will cause them to become a vampire, in effect giving the vampire some definite new advantages.
At this website we encourage you to do your own research, these Universities should help give you a good start.
- University of Cambridge
- Harvard University
- Yale University
- UCL (University College London)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- University of Oxford
- Imperial College London
- University of Chicago
- California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
- Princeton University
The effects of the vHERV endogenous retrovirus then take a number of years during later childhood growth to become completely effective, i.e. active in the system from its previously dormant state in the child's body. In most cases, the child assumes that it is just the normal changes that happen to everyone during puberty, and generally thinks no more of it. It is also believed that the blood chemical make-up of the individual is also responsible in determining if the child will be fully affected by the endogenous retrovirus and thus DNA altered. (When the exchange of blood happens, the endogenous retrovirus adapts to the newly introduced blood chemical make up, which is what allows a real vampire to take on the strengths from the one that they have received the blood from, thereby allowing it to become compatible with the new potential host.) As with Inheritors, it takes traditional vampires a while to develop the full blown endogenous retrovirus after being infected. (Most of the changes happen within the first 3 days, roughly 70-80%. The remaining changes happen over the next few years.)
Relatively newly discovered
vHERV is closely related to many
other viruses such as the common flu virus and the HIV virus. vHERV is
not the HIV virus but works in much the same way when infecting the
host. Another reason the reality and cause of vampirism in today's
modern world is not more commonly known, is because many members of the
public or medical establishment do not know of the existence of vHERV.
Why do they not know of it? Because unlike the Ebola virus and the Black
Plague which have been named and dated, vHERV in the scheme of the
medical world is relatively new, and not deadly. That is not to say that
it has just been stumbled across in modern times but it has existed in
the shadows of humanity for a millennium without a definite name. vHERV
has only been known for a relatively short time, many years to be sure,
but in regard to other viruses, a short time.
It has been many years now that several doctors in several parts of the USA and Europe have known about and been actively studying the vHERV and its victims. These studies have been accomplished by long range, personal, and one-on-one research with these infected people.
It has been many years now that several doctors in several parts of the USA and Europe have known about and been actively studying the vHERV and its victims. These studies have been accomplished by long range, personal, and one-on-one research with these infected people.
In truth I can keep presenting
all the information I want to you about real vampires and their
existence. However in the end one fact remains, seeing is believing. For
that use this page to find a real vampire.
So that the next time you see one you will actually be able to
recognize a vampire when you see it. Because fact is vampires are every
where, and if you know what to look for you will inevitably find one on
your own.
Why would they be so
secretive? For the same reasons as with any other discovery. Once
released, the doctors and researchers will gain money, fame and
reputation. Not to mention grants, and the licensing of new drugs, etc.
Think for a moment what the full impact of such ramifications would mean.
What would happen
to the nation's, to the world's, population if real vampires were
proven to be real? Real, but unlike the myths or legends.
1. First the fear (my money is on jealousy NOT fear). Real vampires are
stronger, faster, etc. They could easily take jobs.
"GINA Becomes Genuine: By late May, President George W. Bush was expected to have signed into law the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), which will prohibit health insurers from canceling or denying coverage or hiking premiums based on genetic predisposition due to a specific disease. The legislation, which sailed through the House and Senate, also bars employers from using genetic data to hire, fire, promote or make other employment-related decisions."
What this means for vampires, is due to it being genetic, once it is accepted globally, employment or promotion decisions can not be based on whether or not you are a vampire.
2. They tend to be smarter and more mentally adept, more psychic. Could they then dominate and control normal humans?
3. The hatred (that's the same reason why homosexuals and lesbians stayed "in the closet" for so long). Humans cannot even live with their own kind in peace.
Q. What happens if you attack a person for being a Vampire?
A. The same thing that happens if you attack some one because they’re gay.) How can they live with real Vampires? (Multiple choice, pick one:
a) The same way as kids at school try to live with the class bully, try to become friends with him so others won't give them a hard time.
b) The same way that they live with blonds - lust and humor. "How many Vampires does it take to change a light bulb? Zero none of them needs it." "Blonds have more fun".
c) All of the above.
4. The envy: real vampires live longer, stay younger looking longer. How many normal people would want to be able to do the same? (With how much money people spend on plastic and cosmetic surgery for only looking young longer? Which reminds me of the million dollar question: "Will you turn me into a Vampire?” Almost makes you think that they would pay millions for what you have")
5. Population: So many of them, and they live longer. Less housing, less food and what else would they use longer than normal people do? I think they're more concerned with the people that are proud of their 5+ amount of kids that they popped out, than they are with someone that is lucky enough to live a longer life.
6. And what about the religious issues? The old church views are that all Vampires (and witches) are evil or in league with evil. How many righteous people would like to see them dead? How many hunters would like to see them dead? Apparently not enough because there are no serial killers targeting witches, and murder is murder. See letter written by a true slayer page on this website.
7. The government would want them for soldiers and laborers and so would other countries. . If anything we would be considered to be more qualified for higher positions than the average person, after a simple blood test revealing that we are real vampires, like they already do to people that enlist in to the military but don't tell them about it. They consider us as too valuable to waste on common labor. Not to mention forcibly studying them like lab animals. Duh, hello, you've been reading so far what the government already knows, and none of it was done by force, it was all acquired thanks to the real vampires that were brave enough to come out into the open, and by their own free will allowed tests to be done on them. To prove their existence and learn more about themselves, before taking the common route of listening to myths and theories and picking one.
8. What about the Vampire himself/herself? Their safety gone, they are exposed; people who fear, hate or admire them and all now know the real vampire truly exists. There are a lot more Vampires, Vampire lovers, and friends out there than you may realize and a lot less enemies than you think. A thousand years ago, people considered hunters to be a hero; these days they would be nothing more than murderers. Times have changed.
For those with fears left over, I currently live in Rochester New York, My name is Steve Leighton, "GINA Becomes Genuine: By late May, President George W. Bush was expected to have signed into law the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), which will prohibit health insurers from canceling or denying coverage or hiking premiums based on genetic predisposition due to a specific disease. The legislation, which sailed through the House and Senate, also bars employers from using genetic data to hire, fire, promote or make other employment-related decisions."
What this means for vampires, is due to it being genetic, once it is accepted globally, employment or promotion decisions can not be based on whether or not you are a vampire.
2. They tend to be smarter and more mentally adept, more psychic. Could they then dominate and control normal humans?
3. The hatred (that's the same reason why homosexuals and lesbians stayed "in the closet" for so long). Humans cannot even live with their own kind in peace.
Q. What happens if you attack a person for being a Vampire?
A. The same thing that happens if you attack some one because they’re gay.) How can they live with real Vampires? (Multiple choice, pick one:
a) The same way as kids at school try to live with the class bully, try to become friends with him so others won't give them a hard time.
b) The same way that they live with blonds - lust and humor. "How many Vampires does it take to change a light bulb? Zero none of them needs it." "Blonds have more fun".
c) All of the above.
4. The envy: real vampires live longer, stay younger looking longer. How many normal people would want to be able to do the same? (With how much money people spend on plastic and cosmetic surgery for only looking young longer? Which reminds me of the million dollar question: "Will you turn me into a Vampire?” Almost makes you think that they would pay millions for what you have")
5. Population: So many of them, and they live longer. Less housing, less food and what else would they use longer than normal people do? I think they're more concerned with the people that are proud of their 5+ amount of kids that they popped out, than they are with someone that is lucky enough to live a longer life.
6. And what about the religious issues? The old church views are that all Vampires (and witches) are evil or in league with evil. How many righteous people would like to see them dead? How many hunters would like to see them dead? Apparently not enough because there are no serial killers targeting witches, and murder is murder. See letter written by a true slayer page on this website.
7. The government would want them for soldiers and laborers and so would other countries. . If anything we would be considered to be more qualified for higher positions than the average person, after a simple blood test revealing that we are real vampires, like they already do to people that enlist in to the military but don't tell them about it. They consider us as too valuable to waste on common labor. Not to mention forcibly studying them like lab animals. Duh, hello, you've been reading so far what the government already knows, and none of it was done by force, it was all acquired thanks to the real vampires that were brave enough to come out into the open, and by their own free will allowed tests to be done on them. To prove their existence and learn more about themselves, before taking the common route of listening to myths and theories and picking one.
8. What about the Vampire himself/herself? Their safety gone, they are exposed; people who fear, hate or admire them and all now know the real vampire truly exists. There are a lot more Vampires, Vampire lovers, and friends out there than you may realize and a lot less enemies than you think. A thousand years ago, people considered hunters to be a hero; these days they would be nothing more than murderers. Times have changed.
here is the hitcounter,
Second doubts
How does society cope with something that they learned for a millennium does
not exist? How does the world establishment tell the populous of the existence
of something believed to be myth and evil? We have already started doing that
for a while now; the only difference is we have scientific proof to back it
up. How do they integrate a newly identified species into the human community?
By realizing that we have been in the community the whole time, we have not
gone on midnight killing sprees, and most likely a whole new type of target
Let us not forget that we have been here all along, and found our own way into society.
Let us not forget that we have been here all along, and found our own way into society.
This tells how to approach other real vampires, which will help you in coming out in to the open.
Here are some references to help support this information.
Blood Banks test for anything that might discount you for being a donor. When I donated my first time they called up and said I had an anomaly in my blood and that they wanted me to donate again, because a part of the blood, called plasma, that they use is good for burn victims. Interesting? After reading this site, some other vamps have contacted me stating that they have had this happen to them as well.
There will be further announcements of the life extension program already in effect for humans. Soon to follow, other announcements about gene splicing, genetic engineering and gene manipulation this has already been performed on lesser animals.
Blood Banks test for anything that might discount you for being a donor. When I donated my first time they called up and said I had an anomaly in my blood and that they wanted me to donate again, because a part of the blood, called plasma, that they use is good for burn victims. Interesting? After reading this site, some other vamps have contacted me stating that they have had this happen to them as well.
There will be further announcements of the life extension program already in effect for humans. Soon to follow, other announcements about gene splicing, genetic engineering and gene manipulation this has already been performed on lesser animals.
The DNA of a
jellyfish was implanted into a developing mouse embryo. The result? The
unification of 2 non-related creatures which resulted in a litter of
healthy mice, which actually glowed in the dark, the way a jellyfish
glows in the darkness of the depths of the sea. This segment of research
was shown on national television on the science program Nova several
times during the years of 1997 and 1998.
Then the release of
a newly discovered or mapped gene found to prolong life, a prelude to
this announcement was just accomplished, as seen on recent NBC and ABC
television broadcasts.
Next, announcements
on a human life extension program, which has already been done, but
taking another direction as can be found towards the bottom of this
page. The announcement of a vaccine- not a cure- but a prevention of
AIDS, which was released on NBC and ABC in June 1998.
The medical and
scientific community will make slowly released announcements in
approximately the following order. Release to the general public;
announcements which have already been made on the TV show, Nova,
regarding gene mapping and gene splicing. "Scientific American" magazine
has released articles telling about how they have found ways to change
the DNA in fruit flies after their birth that doubled their life span in
late 2003 as well as successfully changing the DNA in full grown people
that noticeably increased their strength and speed, said to only be
used for Muscular Dystrophy patients. They haven't started it as common
treatment because they don't want it being abused by athletes to improve
Next to come was the announcement of the newly discovered endogenous retrovirus which in itself led to the AIDS/HIV Vaccine.
Channel 57 (San
Diego) cable TV on 01/07/06 stated vampires can consume nearly 800% more
iron through blood a day than people can normally digest (among other
Scientific American
July 2008: Articles "Bring In The Noise" "Ancient Gene, New Tricks" and
"New Jobs for Ancient Chaperones" not directly stated to be made
possible by studying the vampire endogenous retrovirus and how it is
able to perform its functions, however surprisingly clear what these
Gene therapies were derived from. The time is coming very close, to what
our now deceased friend Catherine Nightpoe had predicted.
The articles I was
referring to are in the July 2008 scientific American magazine.
Harbinger3_DR is the one I mentioned on the phone which goes along DNA
fixing flaws in it. Basically resulting in making what ever it is in, in
to the perfect form of itself on a genetic level.
There is also a state of competence that one fifth of bacteria in Bacillus subtilis colonies live in which they stop growing and incorporate DNA from the environment into their genomes. Whether a cell does this is determined stochastically, and despite its costs the competent ones do not grow or divide. These cells actually look for genetic sequences that will make themselves better and add them to their own DNA.
Both of the things listed above are vampire abilities that happen automatically when turned. The next thing listed which is also in the same edition of Scientific American, is some thing that is a common thing in vampire movies however due to not wanting to risk it, I dont plan on testing it out. Granted it doesn't say they are linked to real vampires, How ever I'm not surprised that they wouldn't say vampires in that magazine seeing that at this time most people have no belief that vampires are real.
Last one is HSP90 which is synthetically produced from other HSPs provides multiple different effects for the body, including making it immune to radiation for 15 seconds at a time. The rest of what it does is to much to list however it is definitely worth looking in to.
There is also a state of competence that one fifth of bacteria in Bacillus subtilis colonies live in which they stop growing and incorporate DNA from the environment into their genomes. Whether a cell does this is determined stochastically, and despite its costs the competent ones do not grow or divide. These cells actually look for genetic sequences that will make themselves better and add them to their own DNA.
Both of the things listed above are vampire abilities that happen automatically when turned. The next thing listed which is also in the same edition of Scientific American, is some thing that is a common thing in vampire movies however due to not wanting to risk it, I dont plan on testing it out. Granted it doesn't say they are linked to real vampires, How ever I'm not surprised that they wouldn't say vampires in that magazine seeing that at this time most people have no belief that vampires are real.
Last one is HSP90 which is synthetically produced from other HSPs provides multiple different effects for the body, including making it immune to radiation for 15 seconds at a time. The rest of what it does is to much to list however it is definitely worth looking in to.
"GINA Becomes
Genuine: By late May, President George W. Bush was expected to have
signed in to law the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA),
which will prohibit health insurers from canceling or denying coverage
or hiking premiums based on genetic predisposition do to a specific
disease. The legislation, which sailed through the House and Senate,
also bars employers from using genetic data to hire, fire, promote or make other employment-related decisions."
What this means for vampires, is due to it being genetic, once it is accepted globally, employment or promotion decisions can not be based on whether or not you are a vampire.
What this means for vampires, is due to it being genetic, once it is accepted globally, employment or promotion decisions can not be based on whether or not you are a vampire.
The article
continues, to explain it in more detail. To read it go to, To subscribe and to look for more updates go to this
direct link -
(3/27/09)A School principle literally called police protection for a
person rumored to be a vampire, and another student that believes
himself to be a werewolf.
''I am very concerned that the safety of certain students may be jeopardized as targets of rumors and speculation,'' she wrote. ''Please alert any adult in the building if you feel that any student is being harassed or targeted.''
Students leaving Boston Latin yesterday said rumors about students claiming to be vampires, have been circulating for months. Several said two or three female students at the school carry umbrellas in all weather to avoid exposure to the sun.
Read the full article here.
Medicines developed due to the vampire retrovirus can be found listed here.
medicines made thanks to the vampire retrovirus.
''I am very concerned that the safety of certain students may be jeopardized as targets of rumors and speculation,'' she wrote. ''Please alert any adult in the building if you feel that any student is being harassed or targeted.''
Students leaving Boston Latin yesterday said rumors about students claiming to be vampires, have been circulating for months. Several said two or three female students at the school carry umbrellas in all weather to avoid exposure to the sun.
Read the full article here.
Medicines developed due to the vampire retrovirus can be found listed here.
medicines made thanks to the vampire retrovirus.
vHERV is an
ancient endogenous retrovirus only now coming into the light of modern
day. Its form and reasons are simple and easily understood by anyone
with an open mind and willingness to wait for the medical proof to be
announced. It will indeed be made known and no doubt be disputed at
However, in the end, real vampires will live along side humans. They will run the local corner shop and be your neighbors. How you want to welcome us into your life is your choice, but know whether you are welcoming or not we will be there.
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